Friday, April 24, 2020

Peta Kuno.

Yusni Tria Yunda. [📝📷📚].


Test Contact [to Whatsapp].
Ilustrate Picture,

according my trial at

That linking from our Fb Account to Whatsapp Destination on Their Facebook Page, is able to doing after we toke steps;

1. Gave a sign to The Account of Ownery, for example: this Trader Of Ancient Maps:

2. Saving the url nor content of its consist, with clicking the Horizontal Other Option on The Facebook Menu_Feature, then seing the result of  saving process on The Fb Account [this sampling is on Fb_Google Access [conventional facebook]:

Or, if we opened from Facebook_Lite, that will such this picture showing in view:

The Saving Item is layed on the bottomer.

3. The Owner Account of The Destination url, could be linking by another, if using the simple html formulas for Draft Blogger, such as writing by The Writer in the part of References on the bottom of this post.*

* .<button><br/><a href="article_address">or: Put a Picture Here<img border="1" src="picture_address" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;" width="320"><br/>Text</imageanchor></a></button>



for the author
of this post.


Technical step to making the picture cliking_able to the other url:

1. Copy the style kind of html's formula above,
, then paste the consist of textarea in the Compose_View in Draft Blogger.

The view result on a Compose Mode View will seing like this picture:

2. But it not yet become the ready condition to us inputting a certain fail of The Picture. So?: we have to copying the paste_result of the formula in that Compose Mode to HTML Mode, after the url of The Article which we want linking it to The Picture pasted on the Variable_of_Article; in The Mode of Compose View, nor from The Mode of html View. But The Writer thinking that from Compose Mode is more easy rather html Mode.

" .<button><br/><a href="article_address">or: Put a Picture Here<img border="1" src="picture_address" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;" width="320"><br/>Text</imageanchor></a></button>

</br> "

This is an example;
There is two [urls sources] but they are in one;

url picture:

And this is the url blog [source of the picture's virtual being placed]:

With a complexity way, when we want to making the picture able to clicking to another url blog we've made, we need the url article [url of the destination posts we had] inputed in the html's formula.

Example: an url for The Post Theme: KU100 Islamic Education, that we want to linked it with that picture from the other source:

URL for the destiny [KU100 Islamic Education], is:

.or: Put a Picture Here ...

A Simple Technical linking the picture to the url:

Paste the picture, and give a couple of marking besiding it's left and it's right, with "dot mark" just enough.

Then, paste the url of the article we want to linked to the picture which had been marked with a couple of dots, example:

Short the couple of dots besiding the picture, then choice LINK on the option_feature of Draft Blogger:

If the linking's setting is successing, on the bottom of the picture will showing the text about it's contain of the url article we had inputed to the picture as that way. It is an active LINK picture right now.

This way is more easy to doing rather the way before which explained above.

Other Sampling:

url of the article: [dedicated to this own post]";postID=534531555967316248

url of the Picture which will being linking go to the url article destination:

The result after using html formula for this utility:

. .

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Drs. Tarunasena Ma'mur.

Dra. Erlina Wiyanarti M.Pd.

Prof. Dr. H.Asmawi Zainul M.Ed.

Drs. H.Achmad Iriyadi.

Prof. Dr. Helius Sjamsuddin M.A.

Dra. Yeni Kusmarni M.Pd.

Dr. Agus Mulyana M.Hum.

Dra. Yani Kusmarni M.Pd.

Dr. Hj.Hansiswany Kamarga M.Pd.

Dra. Lely Yulifar M.Pd.

Drs. Rusyai Padmawidjaya M.Pd.

Didin Saripudin S.Pd., M.Si.

Prof. Dr. H.Ismaun M.Pd.

Prof. Dr. H.Said Hamid Hasan M.A.

Wawan Darmawan S.Pd., M.Hum.

Moch. Eryk Kamsori S.Pd.

Dr. Dadang Supardan M.Pd.

Drs. Ayi Budi Santosa M.Si.

Drs. A. Suwirta M.Hum.

Dra. Murdiyah Winarti M.Hum.

Drs. Nana Supriatna M.Ed.

Drs. H.Sugiharto HS. M.Pd.

Drs. H.A. Suherman M.Pd.

Drs. H.Masor.

Drs. Wagino Hamid Hamdani.

Drs. H.M. Dzul Iman M.Pd.

Drs. Agus Choedir A. M.Pd.

Drs. Ahmad Sukarma Firdaus.

Drs. H.Mad 'Ali M.Ag.

Drs. H.Zainal Mudzakir.

Drs. H.Dudung Rahmat M.Pd.

Dra. Nunung Nursyamsiyah M.Pd.

Drs. H.Agus Chodir Balyai M.Pd.

Drs. H.Sugiarto HS M.Pd.

Drs. Tatang.

Drs. H. Sugiarto HS, M.Pd.

Drs. H.Agus Salam Rahmat M.Pd.

Drs. H.Dedeng Rosyidin M.Ag.

Drs. H.I Sofyan Taftazani M.Pd.

Dr. Yayan Nurbayan M.Ag.

Dr. H. Sofyan Sauri M.Pd.,
Dr. Yayan Nurbayan M.Ag.


Anifia Rakhmiyani.

Dr. H. Sofyan Sauri M.Pd.

Dr. H. Sofyan Sauri M.Pd.,
Dr. Yayan Nurbayan M.Ag.


Anifia Rakhmiyani.

Dr. H. Maman Abdurahman M.Ag.

Dr. H. Syihabuddin M.Pd.,
Dr. H. Maman Abdurahman M.Ag.

Didin Syamsudin.

Dr. H. Syihabuddin M.Pd.

Dr. H. Syihabuddin M.Pd.,
Dr. H. Maman Abdurahman M.Ag.

Didin Syamsudin.